Saturday, February 26, 2011

Winner's Circle

"when it comes to the gift of My Love and Salvation,
you weren't just a lucky draw,
a happenstance,
a coincidence,
or a 'well, how do ya like that?'.
in My eyes, you were born a winner.
it's like you opened your eyes to see the world for the first time and there you were in the winner's circle.
I chose you before you could speak, knowing full well that you would have the power to speak death as well as life.
I chose you before you could walk, knowing full well that you would have the power to run from Me as well as run the race set before you.
I chose you before you could choose, would have the power to choose between the world and Me.

I have four words for you....
oh, and I never stop, by the way.
I never have. never will.
I am the God who WAS, and IS, and IS TO COME.
My Love for you is so unconditional.
it's 'sticky' in that...
you can never wash it off, 
rub it off, 
tear it off, 
brush it off. 
My Love is SURE.
My eyes are fixed on you, My child, and do you want to know what I see?
I see....
A Future and a Hope,
a Destiny far greater than you can imagine, but guess what?
My Imagination is available to you.
I am bursting at the seams to give it to you!
We can do this together, you and I.
I trust you.
I am proud of you.
I love you.
and i promise...I will NEVER let you down.
i will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.

so, let Me be your center.
let Me be your drive.
let Me fill you with My wild Imagination.

and finally....

just let Me love you."

::this is a word that i felt God gave me for His beloved. you. ::
-worship session 2.20.11-

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Caffeine Dreams

I work in a coffee shop.
I see many sleepy people coming in, dependent on their coffee fix for the day. 
You'll often hear them say,"Oh, I'm sorry. Here's that extra penny. I just can't seem to function yet." And then when the time comes,"I don't know what I'd do with out this!" as they take up the hot cup of caffeinated liquid in their fist and rush out the door to face the day.
I've come to realize that my job is quite vital to the American culture. 
What would we do without coffee? 
What would we do without this common dependency on a natural steroid, as it were?
Our whole world might just crash down on us!
There is SUCH a strong dependency on a little umber colored.....bean. Yes, a bean.

So, it got me thinking.
It got me thinking about my dreams. Not dreams that play out while I'm sleeping. Rather, long dreams. Dreams that have been doing a great deal of sleeping themselves. Strange concept. Sleeping dreams. They're real though. Real and desperate to be stirred from their slumber.
How often do we just keep them sleeping? We know they're there. We acknowledge them once in a while, but do we ever actually activate them? Wake them up and give them a boost? Say to ourselves,"This dream has been inside of me ever since I can remember and it's time that I do something about it."?
Caffeinate it! :)
What does that mean? 
Well, first of all, pursue it. Go after what it is that God has placed inside of you. It's there for a reason! 
Talk to God about it. He wants to hear that you're excited and chasing after what He's given you.
Listen. He doesn't want to stop with planting that dream inside of you, He wants to continue to coach you in the process of it's growth!
See. Look for opportunities where aspects of your dream can be invested in, nurtured, grown, used, .......caffeinated!
Finally, God has to be the ultimate source for the "caffeine". As He's teaching you how to awaken that dream, He will walk with you along the way. He will show you a whole new freedom to move in. Plus, He's so stoked about you responding to His gifts that He'll cause you to be excited out of your mind too! He loves you that much. :)

So, take a minute. Ask yourself,"What is my dream? Do I want to wake it up or leave it slumbering?" I think you'd be surprised at what you'll find. 
Just so you know, those dreams are seeded in your strengths. Your strengths! The things that you are best at and you have an appetite for! 
If you harness that and pursue you're dreams? Wow. You'll be on a caffeinated high for life. ;)

just a thought....

Friday, October 1, 2010

"E" for Effort

Soooo....I'm gonna give this thing a go. 

I feel as though God has a reason or two for giving me a desire to start a blog. 
Am I a well-written, well-read scholar? By no means. Quite the contrary, BUT...I do have a deep desire to share what's on my heart in some small way. I haven't got a church, Bible study, or prayer group that I'm a part of at the moment where I can freely share these things, but I'm hoping that (in the meantime) this will be a way that I can have some sort of similar "imparting" effect. 

Grammar may fail. 
Much time may pass between installments. 
Inspiration may dwindle a bit once in a while,
 but I'm excited for this...

Here we go. :)